Timothy L. Harpster, ARA

Ohio Certified General Appraiser #2002013711 & Indiana CG4110031. Timothy L. Harpster, ARA is President of Consolidated Appraisal Services Company. Timothy L. Harpster holds the Accredited Rural Appraiser (ARA) designation which is awarded to by the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA) to those members who have had years of experience, are technically trained, have passed a rigid examination, and subscribe to a high code of ethics. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University. His appraisal education includes courses and seminars sponsored by AIASFMRA, conservation easement appraising, yellow book,  and  eminent domain appraisal classes from ODOT. He has completed numerous appraisals ranging from simple single family residential properties to complex eminent domain takings, and including various industrial and commercial properties, as well as unimproved farm properties and specialized livestock facilities.   

Timothy L. Harpster, ARA

Phone: (419) 568-1836

Fax: (614) 635-1461

E-mail: tharpster@cappraisal.com